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The BariWorld Foundation’s Mission is to champion for Life, to bring awareness to the lives lost and heartache caused by accidental Deaths by illegal substances. Turning the fear, grief and helplessness caused from this plight into awareness, compassion, and support. Through community education and policy change at the local, state, and national levels.

Provide unique, effective, and current grief support tools to all who lose a loved one;

Provide ways for everyone to honor their loved ones;

To carry the message of hope to individuals, families, and communities affected by overdose poisoning deaths.

Our vision to bring an end to this Epidemic.

We’re going to save lives. We’re going to stop people from having to experience what we have experienced. We will make a difference.

If we’re able to make a difference. We’re going to save lives. We’re going to stop people from having to experience what we have experienced. 
It is who Jabari was – he would want to help people.


The Primary goals of our organization includes:

·       Educating and raising awareness of the prevention of substance related deaths in schools and communities.

·       Encouraging efforts with our community partners to promote healthy lifestyles throughout the world.

·       Positively influencing attitudes, social norms, and values by empowering individuals and families.

·       Contributing to the advancement of research and science in the addiction prevention field.

We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

Our goal is to network with similar organizations and like-minded agencies throughout the country to share best practices, develop and share useful material resources, and establish and implement a cohesive, nationwide education campaign around overdose Deaths.


Respect —Recognizing and honoring the dignity of each and every individual.

Empowerment —Building confidence by providing resources, encouragement, guidance and support.

Perseverance —Working humbly each day with dedication and patience to meet the needs of our mission.

Integrity — Ensuring honest, fair, and ethical practices that sustains our promise of helping to reclaim and enrich lives.

Success —Achieving daily, a sense of health, happiness and overall well-being in all our activities.

The BariWorld Foundation is looking for those persons out there who believes there’s no hope and that nobody cares.

We want to let them know that we care and there is hope.”

Our VISION is that community, hope, and support would replace secrets and silence. We Believe in the power of community-oriented healing that no one should be alone in grief.

The vision is better endings.

The vision is the restoration of family and broken relationships.

The vision is people finding hope, finding faith, finding freedom, finding love.

The vision is becoming the best version of oneself by breaking cycles and making changes.

The Bariworld Foundation is devoted to establishing and maintaining an environment where all people can come together while we work to equitably improve the lives and health of all.

By practicing a continual commitment to diversity and inclusion, The Bariworld Foundation becomes a place where people with a variety of perspectives, life experiences, and social histories blend together for the enhancement of health within our reach.

Make A Difference